Enterprise Application System (Vision EAS)

Anti-Spam CANSPAM Policy

This website may prepare and send email to administrators, faculty, staff, and students from time to time that do not contain protected personal information using methods we consider to be best practices. All messages are approved by our in-house compliance department prior to submission. We maintain and use a Enterprise Application System (Vision EAS) opt-out list. All emails are cross checked against this list before we send them out.

The following are considered deceptive e-mail marketing practices:
Under CANSPAM, the following we DO NOT do and is officially illegal:
The following are considered best practices:

Email Unsubscribe Process: Users may choose one of three methods to unsubscribe from emails: Students must contact their advisor to request their email address be removed from the Enterprise Application System (Vision EAS) opt-out list.

Dealing with Recipient or ISP Complaints: When a complaint is received the following process is initiated: Every complaint that is received is reviewed by management. If the email address of the complainant is known, it will be immediately unsubscribed, adding it to our Enterprise Application System (Vision EAS) opt-out list. They will be notified that their email address has been removed. If the complaint came via an ISP or other organization, they too will be notified of the action taken.

We may amend this Anti-Spam CANSPAM Policy at any time by posting the amended terms on this site. All amended terms automatically take effect 30 days after they are initially posted on the site. By using this website, you accept this Anti-Spam CANSPAM Policy, you expressly consent to our policies as described herein. This Anti-Spam CANSPAM Policy is effective upon acceptance and is otherwise effective on September 1, 2019. To report abuse to vision@laurelridge.edu.

Updated September 1, 2019